How Traveling with Kids Affects Their Education

Our Adventure in Rwandan Schools

An increasing number of parents travel with their kids today because they realise the educational value of travelling. Travel ignites their curiosity and expands their horizons. 

A travel education is so effective because kids are involved in hands-on learning where they use all of their senses. They experience a wide array of faces, languages, sounds, smells, sights and colors. 

Why is traveling beneficial to education?

It is not only priceless for the learning experiences but for the character-shaping opportunities it provides. Expanding the boundaries of their minds helps to develop their view of the world as they grow.  

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Villa Gorilla, Kinigi near Musanze Rwanda | Volcanoes National Park

Time with family

Taking your kids on educational traveling experiences ensures that your family spends quality time together. As you and your children learn together while traveling, you will find that your relationship becomes stronger than ever. Making memories together is something your kids will remember, even if they forget some of the other details of your trips.   

Hands-on learning

Outside of the confines of school, travel is a form of education that allows kids to experience hands-on learning. While it is possible to learn from books in a classroom, there are some things that simply have to be experienced. Travel gives kids the real-world associations with what they may have been studying in school.

Instead of just reading about indigenous cultures, they get to see what people wear and how they sing and dance. They don’t just learn about different languages but hear them being spoken. They don’t just learn about the type of food people around the world eat but get to touch, smell and taste it. 

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Appreciation for different cultures

Going abroad with kids gives them the opportunity to taste foreign foods, hear different languages and see different types of architecture. It can be an eye-opening experience for your kids to see how different people are around the world.

It provides you with the opportunity to teach them that people may be different on the outside, but they are all the same inside. They learn that kids from all over the world can be their friends and enjoy playing with them.

A new perspective on history

When your kids see historical sites, history steps out of the books and into their experience. The facts and figures they learn at school start to make sense when they actually see buildings, statues, diaries and more. Nothing is as effective as walking in the footsteps of some great historical figures.

Telling a child about Anne Frank will never have the same impact as hearing about her while visiting her home and seeing how she lived. When kids are actively involved in hearing stories, seeing monuments, and looking at battlegrounds, it helps them truly learn and remember.

If students want to stay up-to-date with assignments while traveling, it is possible for them to get essay writing help. They can learn how to appreciate different cultures and study at the same time.

Anne Frank House, Amsterdam
© Anne Frank House / Photographer: Cris Toala Olivares

Interest in geography and world maps

Kids who travel form a better understanding of the world they live in and the environment. They can learn the capitals of the different countries they visit and search for them on a map.

This helps them to start developing life skills at an early age. They begin to understand the differences between countries and how far apart or close together they are. They see what grows in different countries, learn about mountains, valleys, rivers, etc. and develop an appreciation of the natural world.

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Personal development

Many teachers believe that travel has a very positive impact on the personal development of students. Family travel requires new responsibilities and kids assume different roles than they would do at home – explorers, navigators, taste-testers etc. There are many opportunities for them to take responsibility and learn adaptability.

Travel often forces changes in sleep patterns, eating habits and schedules. Your children will learn to sleep in different places, from airplane seats to trains. They will be introduced to many different types of foods, from curries to croissants. They learn to find creative ways to occupy themselves when schedules change.

The experiences they live through tend to make kids who travel more confident, adaptable, sensitive and independent. They are also more likely to be outgoing and express themselves clearly. They have been challenged and forced to go beyond their normal comfort zones, making them more adventurous and capable of facing uncertainty.

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A final word

Traveling with kids can be challenging but the experience is well worth it. How enjoyable you find traveling with your kids ultimately has a lot to do with your mindset as parents. Planning well can help, but you’re still likely to experience some hiccups along the way.

Remember that some of the greatest adventures may come from the unexpected. Travel will open your kids’ eyes to the wonders of the world and teach them in ways that are not possible within the confines of the classroom. 

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